I was sitting at home and i had a craving, a craving for some energy in a bottle. I randomly decided at that moment to just run straight to the 7-11, i walked out of the house half dressed and ran towards the store. I got some looks from these chicks and one from my neighbor which is weird to say the least since he is a married man. Anyhow, when i got to the store i did an enie menie miney moe to find out which
energy drink i would take. I decided on Rockstar Juiced, i bought it for 2.49$ drank it and at the same time started running back home. (only 5 minute run) ...The energy drink was great!!! The drink taste like a berry orange mix, which is great to say the least...
Name: Rockstar energy JUICED!
Price: 2.49$

Energy boost: 8/10
Taste: 9/10
Longevity: 7/10