Alright, i came back today, even though i said i would be back monday lol!...But i got some great information! I recently tried an energy drink that was actually pretty good, but too bad it was limited! I went to the wawa, saw this drink and immediatly thought of Nascar and 200 mph performance, (even though i dont watch nascar; i mean whats the point of watching cars go in a circle 200 times a race?)...
Name: Jeff gorden 24 energy
Price: 1.99$
IMage: i could not find an image on the web of this energy drink i tried but i will explain it to you...It is an overall blue can with fire on one part engulfing the text "jeff gorden 24 energy".
Size: big only
taste: 10/10
Energy boost: 7/10
Longevity: 7/10
When i drank this drink the greatest thing about it was its taste; an orange tangerine mix that people would kill for... It did not taste like an energy drink (medicinal etc.) it tasted like Kool-Aid orange but in a good way and carbonated...
The energy effects of this drink were felt and lasted decently, til 12:00 when i started doing bad on socom...