Ah, as i started the day i woke up with the worse caffiene hangover from the energy drinks last night, damn i started thinking, maybe i should quit this...I grogingly lifted from my bed in search of the tyenol i keep on top of the cheap deco clothes drawer. I felt a weird ache in my head as i reached for an empty cartridge of tyenol. I was furious that there was no tyenol so i zipped into the car and out to the rite aid. I couldnt focus on the road, even when a teenager on his bike flipped the finger, i didnt have the energy to respond...Talk about a dependency...I reached the rite aid, bought the fast working tyenol gel caps an ate them...LOL I ATE THEM, without water...Hey it still works, but has a horrible taste... i walked out of the store all giddy i lost the headache, and looked at an advertisement on the wall for a new energy drink. Full throttle Agave energy drink! I had to buy it!
Name: Full throttle blue demon energy
cost: 1.99$

taste: 9/10 A mediciny berry flavor
Energy boost: 7/10 A little hard to feel
Longevity: 4/10 did not feel it quite long after.
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